燻 - IBUSHI -
燻黒という釉薬の黒くてマットな質感を活かして製作した辛口でシャープな黒いピアスです。長い時間身につけていても邪魔にならない小さくて軽いピアスです。5mm x 5mm から 15mm x 5mm くらいまでのサイズ感です。 全て形の異なる一点もののピアスです。たくさんの黒い粒ピアスの中から自分の一番好きな形を選んで身につけて貰いたいと考えています。ユニセックスなデザインですので、メンズピアスとしてもおすすめです。

IBUSHI -Smoked -
These sharp, bold black earrings are crafted to highlight the matte, black texture of a glaze called "Kuniguro," which gives them a distinct, edgy appearance. They are small and lightweight, making them comfortable to wear for extended periods without being bothersome. The earrings range in size from approximately 5mm x 5mm to 15mm x 5mm. Each pair is a unique, one-of-a-kind design with a different shape. I hope you choose the one that you like the most from these many black bead earrings and wear it with pride. The design is unisex, so they are also highly recommended as men's earrings.

雲母 - KIRARA -
雲母銀の真珠のような白を活かして製作した、存在感ある10mm x 20mm 程の白いピアスです。重さで下を向いたりしない重量とサイズ感にしました。全て形の異なる一点もののピアスです。さまざまな形の中から自分の一番好きな形を選んで身につけて貰いたいと考えています。
UNMO - Kirara -
These white earrings, measuring approximately 10mm x 20mm, are crafted to highlight the pearlescent white of mica silver. They are designed with a weight and size that ensures they won’t droop downward. Each earring is a unique, one-of-a-kind piece with a different shape. I hope you choose the one that you like the most from these various forms and wear it with joy.

Titanium is used as much as possible not only for posts but also for catches and chains. I myself have metal allergies, so I choose the materials carefully. We do not guarantee that you will not have allergies, but many people can use it with confidence.