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島田 沙里


1978年 東京生まれ
女子美術大学 デザイン科 卒業

芸術家の多い家庭だったため、幼少の頃からものづくりが身近なものでした。中学入学と同時に日本画家の奥倉 賢二先生にデッサンを習い始め、大学時代はデザイン科に所属しながらも日本画を描いていました。自然や流れを描くことが好きでした。


2022年 第78回 現展入選(俊英作家)国立新美術館

Sari Shimada


1978, Born in Tokyo, Japan
Graduated from Joshibi University of Art and Design


I grew up in Artist family. I loved painting since I was a baby. I started to learn drawing from a Japanese paint artist Kenji Okakura during my middle school years, and while attending university as a design major, I continued to paint in the Nihonga style. I particularly enjoyed depicting nature and the flow of things.

After graduating from art school, I worked as a freelance designer. However, after spending many years creating two-dimensional works on a computer, I became interested in three-dimensional sculptural works that could be directly experienced with the hands. I explored various materials and was drawn to clay, a natural material that allowed me to freely add or subtract elements. I began creating sculptures out of clay. After about ten years of working with clay, I gained a clearer direction in my creative process, which led me to leave my design work behind and focus on three-dimensional art in 2022.

2022 Selected for the 78th "Gendai-ten" Exhibited at the National Art Center in Tokyo.

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